Why hasn’t POPI stopped those unsolicited emails?
My understanding of the POPI Act is that it is illegal to send unsolicited communications to anyone except your customers, who must always be given the option to opt out.
So, why are we still receiving offers of loans, notices of webinars and courses, offers of services and all that email junk that we were getting before POPI?
Well, the answer is quite simple. This is South Africa. In this country, if there’s a problem a law will be passed to make it illegal. Problem solved. On to the next one.
And that is literally the end of the story!
Has anyone been in court for not paying e-tolls?
Has anyone been in court for understating their turnover when submitting their CIPC return?
Has anyone been in court for not paying Securities Transfer Tax?
Has anyone been in court?
Yes, of course they have. They have to go to court to get their case delayed, and then when they eventually lose it to take it on appeal.
And when they lose the appeal to take it to the High Court, where they have to go to court to get their case delayed. And then when they eventually lose it to take it on appeal.
And when they lose the appeal to take it to the Supreme Court of Appeal, where they have to go to court to get their case delayed.
And when they eventually lose the appeal to take it to the Constitutional Court, where they have to go to court to get their case delayed. And then when the eventually lose it to take it on appeal.
And when they lose the appeal to take it back to the Constitutional Court to appeal the appeal.
Yup! That’s the full might of the law!