Aim Forever Higher
Quote of the month -“I just lower my expectations until I am pleased with my achievement”
Where did that come from? No, it wasn’t Angie Motshekga, the ex-Minister of Basic Education! It was my response to my lovely wife, Helen, when she said something about me being so proud of my body (we train regularly) whereas she is never satisfied with her achievement. But really, I was only joking. The real me believes in aiming so high that I can never actually achieve what I aim for, but by striving for the impossible I almost invariably achieve the improbable.
That’s what Dreaming Dreams is all about. Dream the impossible dream, get excited about it, picture it as if it had already happened, re-inforce this regularly using Mind Power Training and then let your subconscious make it happen. You will be amazed at the power of your mind.