Can I buy a VAT registered shelf company?
There are a number of reasons for buying a shelf company that is already VAT registered.
1) SARS makes it extremely difficult to register a company for VAT. Only professionals like ourselves find it relatively straightforward, but even so, a lot of paperwork has to be provided by the client.
2) If you are buying a commercial property, you simply must be registered for VAT in order to buy it as a going concern and have the transaction zero rated. Otherwise, you will have to pay the VAT and then claim it back and wait, and wait ……. for your refund.
3) If you are importing, you will pay VAT at the port of entry and need to be registered in order to claim it back. Of course, you’ll also need an import/export license and that can take a few weeks. We normally stock at least one VAT registered company already with an import/export license.
4) If you are exporting, you will want to claim the input VAT on your purchases and zero rate the exported supplies. Again, you’ll need an import/export license.
Never buy a company that has traded. You don’t know what you are getting. It could have all sorts of liabilities or contingent liabilities and it could be years before calamity strikes!
We are about to purchas e a property as a going concern and need a vat registered shelf co for obvious reasons
Looking at prev replies it looks like you are “out of stock”
Can you assist
Hi Alan,
Unfortunately, the loophole that enabled us to register shelf companies for VAT has closed.
We can apply for VAT registration based on the OTP, which, incidentally, must be drafted per SARS’ requirements. You would need to delay the transfer until your company’s VAT registration is finalised.
Do you currently have a Vat registered shelf company available?
Unfortunately Rebecca,
We are now unable to register shelf companies for VAT, and we have no stock left.
I need a shelf company with VAT registration.
Please provide a quotation ASAP.
Hi Thando,
Unfortunately we’re out of stock.
I require a Shelf Company that is VAT and SARS registered and has both an importers and exporters code
Please let me know the time to prepare this and the cost to me
Will require a Tax clearance certificate to ensure there is no leftover dues to SARS
Will also need to appoint my own accounting officer with this changes registered at SARS and Cipro
Will need EFiling transfer to myself of this exists
Thanking you
Hi Minesh,
Currently, we do not have any shelf companies with import or export licences. We have one that is VAT registered.
However, I suggest that in order to reasonably contain the cost, we should start with an existing older shelf company (they are easier to register for VAT) and register it for VAT, import and export. The VAT is quick, but unfortunately, the import and export can take a long time, depending upon SARS. I cannot give you a timescale because it is so variable.
The total cost would be R21 480
The accounting officer is not registered at CIPC. You would probably want to change the company secretary. Also, once we had generated the tax clearance, you would request the profile on efiling and we would release it.
The bank account would be with Standard Bank and you would take this over.
If you wish to go ahead or have any further questions, I suggest you contact
Intrested in company
Vat / inport/export
Hi Johan,
We have a VAT registered shelf company here
Would then have to register it as an importer and/or exporter (these are now two separate registrations) at R3 250 each
Hi Johan,
We have a VAT registered shelf company here
However, we would then have to register it for Import and/or export (these are now two separate registrations)
Please can we have a quote on a shelf registered company with a Vat number.
082 615 7620
Hi Maureen,
We have two in stock and you can find them here
Please send me a quote on a shelf company with VAT
Hi Twaleng,
Mini is sending you a quote.
Looking to buy a vat registered Company
Hi Gary,
We have two in stock here