CIPC finally de-registering companies
When a company or CC has failed to submit Annual returns, CIPC marks them “In de-registration process”. To return to “In Business”, we simply have to submit the outstanding returns.
Then, periodially, CIPC will Finally de-register those companies and it is usually impossible to restore them.
CIPC has just given notice of its intention to finally de-register all companies that are in de-registration process.
If yours is one of them and you don’t want to lose it, get hold of us at 011 805 0030 urgently.
My name is Moses Mathuse. My company Thalesero Trading and Projects Pty Ltd is one of the company due for deregistration. Can you please assist as I don’t want to lose it. I will then follow up with a call as soon as possible
Hi Moses,
Your company has already been finally deregistered.
CIPC recently announced during an SABCNews interview that they are now allowing companies to be restored even if they were not trading at the time of deregistration.
In the process of restoration, it will be necessary to submit all outstanding annual returns and the beneficial ownership return. Our fee for all this, including the resstoration, is R11 820 so it is probably best to register a new company.
You are welcomed to meet with me on Zoom here
I want to register a contraction company
Hi Thabiso,
I presume you mean a construction company?
You can get us to form your company here
It only costs R475 because we are celebrating our 50th anniversary.
Thanks for the warning, Derek!
Great Fred. Standard Bank were the first out with the news.